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2023 Disposal contract
Document Date: January 1, 2023 Document: 2023 Disposal contract.pdf
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Disposal Contract
‘THIS DISPOSAL CONTRACT (the “Contract”), made and entered into this 17* day of August, 2023, by and between the CUMBERLAND PLATEAU REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY, an authority created under the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, (hereinafter
as called the “Authority”) represented herewith by its duly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ronald Peters, and ECO-SAFE SYSTEMS, LLC, a Tennessce limited liability company and subsidiary of WASTE MANAGEMENT INC, a Delaware Corporation, duly authorized to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Tennessee (hereinafter called “Contractor”), herein represented by William Edward ‘McManus, Area Vice President, Waste Management, its duly qualified and acting Agent.
WITNESSED, THAT in consideration ofthe covenants and agreements herein contained, to be performed by ‘he parties hereto and ofthe payments hereinaferagrecd tobe made, i is mutually agreed as follows:
1 ‘The Contractor i hereby granted exclusive rights for the disposal of solid waste generated within the ‘Authority’s three (3) transfer stations ~ Buchanan, Dickenson, and Russell, in accordance with all ‘applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations during term of this Contract,
- The Contract Documents shall include the Following documents, incorporated and referenced herein as follows:
Exhibit A - General Specifications
ExhibicB - Insurance Requirements
Exhibit C - Contractor’s Proposal/Pricing.
Exhibit D - Contractor’s Lette of Credit.
Exhibit E - Contact Information
This Instrument
‘Any addenda or changes tothe foregoing documents agreed to by the parties hereto
All provisions ofthe Contract Documents shal be strictly complied with and conformed to by the Contractor, and no amendment to this Contract shall be made except upon written consent of the panies. ‘No amendment shall be construed to release either party from any obligation of the Contract Documents except as specifically provided for in such amendment.
‘The inital term if this Contract shall be from October 27, 2023 (the “Effective Date”) until October 27,
Upon mutual agreement between the partes the Contract may be extended an additional two (2) Van ‘years under the same terms and conditions. I is understood that both partes must agree, with written ‘notification, ofthis extension atleast sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date as defined herein. Disposal rates for the two-year extension shall be as detailed in Exhibit C for years 4 and 5.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly exccuted this Disposal Contract. ‘Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority
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\Watte Management Contact with Cumberland Pineau RWMA, Page Hof 1
11 Authority
1.2 Disposal Site
13 Disposal Site
14 Exeladed Waste
15 Garbage
16 Rubbish
U7 Solid Waste
18 Yond Waste
20 DEFINITIONS OF ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM THIS CONTRACT 2. Hazardous Waste 22 offal Waste 23 Special Waste 30. SCOPE OF WORK, 3.1 General 3.2. Work Not Covered By Contract 40. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 41 Hours of Operation
42 Holidays 43 Office
44 Disposal 45 Delivery 46 Point of Contac
5.0 BASIS OF PRICES AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 5.1 Disposal Rates (Exhibits C)
5.2 Modification to Rates 53 Contactor Billings to Authority
‘ase megane Coa wit Cmbnd ae RMA
1.0 DEFINITIONS OF ITEMS INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT. As used herein, the following terms ‘hall have the following meanings:
1.1. Authority - The Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority which includes the {geographical arca comprised ofall of the incorporated and unincorporated arcas within each of the Counties which is a “Member” ofthe Authority - Buchanan, Dickenson, and Russell Counties and ‘any County within the State of Virginia adjacent to (having a common boundary with) any Member that may enter into an agreement with the Authority after the date hereof relating to such adjacent County’s use of the Authority’s Transfer Stations (collectively the “Service Area").
4.2 Construction and Demolition Waste or C&D - waste building materials resulting from construction, ‘remodeling, repair, or demolition operations that are directly or indirectly the by-products of | ‘construction work or tha result from demolition of buildings or other structures, but specifically ‘excluding inert debris, land-clearing debris, yard debris, or used asphalt, asphalt mixed with dirt ‘sand, gravel, rock, concrete, or similar materials.
1.3. Disnosal Site -Contracor’s Eco-Safe Solid Waste Landfill disposal facility locate in Sullivan ‘County, Tennessee, permitted or approved by all governmental bodies and agencies having Jurisdiction and requiring such licenses, permits or approvals to receive for processing or final disposal of Solid Waste,
1.4. Excluded Waste - any waste or material that (i) the acceptance and handling of which by Contractor would cause a violation of any permit, condition, legal or regulatory requirement. (i) can cause substantial damage to Contractor’s equipment or facilites, (itt) presents a danger tothe hncalth or safety of the public or Contractor’s employees, (iv) is or contains Hazardous Waste, ‘industrial waste, liquid waste, Special Waste that has not been profiled and pre-approved by Contractor, untreated medical waste, (v) is or contains solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows, or industrial discharges subject to regulation by permit, or (vi) results from activities associated with the exploration, development, or ‘production of oil or gas or geothermal resources, (vii) is or contains batteries or fuels, (vill) is oF ‘contains motor oil or paint, (x) is or contains televisions (x) is or contains batteries, (xi) is oF ‘contains florescent lightbulbs, (xii) is or contains white goods, (xii) is or contains treated/de- ‘characterized wastes, (xiv) is or contains any whole tres, (xvi) i oF contains sludge, and/or (xivii) is or contains other solid or liquid waste specifically prohibited for disposal at the disposal facility by the Tennessce Department of Environment and Conservation or any other regulatory agency having jurisdiction over such landfill, in accordance with applicable law. Title to and liability for Excluded Waste shall remain with the generator all times. Contractor has no obligation to accept, transport, process or dispose of any Exchuded Waste.
1.5. Garbage, Waste materials consisting of putrescible or animal and vegetable waste materials resulting (tom the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food, including waste ‘materials from markets, storage facilities, handling and sale of produce and other food products, ‘and all small dead animals (excluding Offal Waste) and farge animals (excluding Orffal Waste). such as livestock, deer, etc. which large animals arc limited to three carcasses or less per load so Tong as such disposal does not cause the violation of any applicable permit, condition, legal or regulatory requirement,
1.6 Rubbish, Nonputrescible waste materials (excluding ashes), consisting of both combustible and ‘noncombustible waste materials. Combustible rubbish includes paper, rags, cartons, wood, ‘excelsio.furiture, rubber, plastics or similar materials: noncombustible rubbish includes glas, ‘eockery, tin cans, aluminum cans, metal furniture and similar materials that will not burn at ordinary incinerator temperatures (1,600 degrees Fabrenheit to 1,800 degrees Fahrenbeit).
1.7. Solid Waste~ all non-hazardous Garbage, Rubbish, Yard Waste andlor C&D that is collected and/or transported by the Authority or its authorized agents that can legally be received atthe Disposal Facility. The term “Solid Waste” or “Waste” specifically excludes Excluded Waste.
- Yard Waste - any vegetative matter resulting from private landscaping or regular yard maintenance, including, but not limited to, tree limbs, branches. yard debris, bagged grass clippings and bagged leaves, excluding items over six (6) feet long.
‘Waste Management Contact wth Cumberlnd Plateau RWMA. Page 3of 1
2.0 DEFINITIONS OF ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM THIS CONTRACT. As used herein, the following ‘terms shall have the following meanings:
2.1 Hazardous Waste (excluded from this Contract)- Hazardous Waste is a form of Excluded Waste and is defined as any radioactive, volatile, corrosive, highly flammable, explosive, biomedical, infectious, biohazardous, oxic of listed or characteristic Hazardous Waste as defined by federal, state, provincial or local law or any otherwise regulated waste. Hazardous Waste shall include, but ‘ot be limited to, any amount of waste listed or characterized as hazardous by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or any state agency pursuant tothe Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, and including future amendments thereto, and any other applicable federal, state ar local laws or regulations.
Offal Waste excluded from this Contract)~ Waste animal (land or marine) matter from ‘establishments such as butcher shops, slaughterhouses, food processing and packing plants, rendering plants and fertilizer plans,
Special Waste (excluded from this Contract} Special Waste is a form of Exchuded Waste and is defined ag noshazardous, solid waste that is subject to additional governmental regulations or special handling requirements in collection, transportation, processing or disposal asa result ofthe characteristics of, or processes which generate such wast. Special Waste must be profiled and pre- approved in writing by Contractor before it canbe delivered to the Disposal Facility. Special Waste includes, but is nt limited to:
(2) wast iron froma commercial or industria activity,
(©) waste generated by an industrial process ra pollution control process;
{6) waste which may contain fre liquids,
{4) waste which may contain residue and debris from the cleanup ofa spill of petroleum, chemical or commercial products or wastes or contaminated residuals,
(6) articles from the cleanup of a facility which generates, stores, teat, recycles or disposes of chemical substances, commercial products or wastes;
(9, wastes which are nonhazardous as a result of proper treatment pursuant 10 Subtle C of the Resouree Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (°RCRA");
{g) asbestos containing or asbestos bearing material that has been properly secured under existing federal, stat, provincial and local laws, rules and regulations;
(0 containers that once contained hazardous substances, chemicals, or insecticides so long as such containers are “empty” as defined by RCRA;
(municipal or commercial solid waste that may have come into contact with any of the foregoing:
().Giker cake shudge wastes from wastewater weatment processes;
(W) wastes containing any regulated polychlorinated biphenyls and,
(0) ash, sludge, whole ies and powders.
3.1 General. The work under this Contract shall consist of disposing of all Solid Waste transported by the Authority’s agent to Eco-Safe’s Landfill in Blountville, TN in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract.
3.2, Work Not Covered By Contract. The work under this Contract does not include transportation {rom the Authority’s Transfer Stations and/or disposal of Hazardous Waste, Offal Waste, Special Waste nor Excluded Waste materials.
441_ Hours of Operation Disposal of Solid Waste shall be in accordance with normal operating hours (6:30 am to 4:30 pm. ‘Monday through Friday) ofthe Disposal Site. Exceptions to operation hours shall be affected only ‘upon the mutual agreement of the Authority and Contractor, oF when Contractor reasonably determines that an exception is necessary in order to complete disposal due to unusual circumstances. Ifthe Contractor has an interruption in accepting Solid Waste during the agreed upon hours, contractor agrees to immediately notify the Authority’s Executive Director ofthe interruption. Contractor will make reasonable efforts to allow the Authority and its agents to unload ina timely ‘manner. The Authority’s Executive Director and Contractor will make reasonable efforts to coordinate hours of operation for delivery under special circumstances, emergencies or unexpected delays at the landfill to allow the Authority to be in compliance with state and federal requirements
42 Holidays ~The following shall be holidays for purposes of this Contract:
Waste Management Contact with Cumberland Plateau RWMA Page dof
New Veat’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
Contractor or the Authority may decide o observe any or all ofthe above-mentioned holidays by suspension of disposal service on the holiday.
Office ~The Contractor shall maintain an office or such other facilities through which it can be contacted by direct visit or by local (oll fre) call from anywhere in the Authority’s area. It shall ‘be equipped with sufficient telephones and shall have a responsible person in charge from 8:00 ‘AM. 10 5:00 P.M on regular days of operation.
Disposal ~ The Authority will use the Eco Safe Sanitary Landiil, directly or via Cumberland Plateau Transfer Stations, forthe disposal of all the Authority’s Solid Waste delivered to the ‘Authority’s Transfer Stations in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Contract.
Delivery — All Solid Waste willbe delivered by an agent of the Auhority. During the erm ofthis ‘Contract, the Authority and is authorized agents shall have a license to enter the Disposal Facility for the limited purpose of, and only to the extent necessary for, offloading Solid Waste atthe location and in the manner directed by Contractor. Except in an emergency, or at the express direction of Contractor, the Authority’s personne! or its agents shall not leave the immediate vicinity oftheir vehicle. After offloading the Solid Waste, the Authority’s personnel or ts agents shall promptly leave the Disposal Facility. Under no circumstances shall the Authority’ personnel “orits agents engage in any scavenging of waste. Contractor may refuse to accept Solid Waste from, and shall deny an entrance license to, any of the Authority’s personne! or its agents whom Contractor believes is under the influence of alcohol or other chemical substances.
46 Point of Contact — All dealing, contacts, etc, between the Contractor and the Authority shall be directed by the Contractor to the Authority’s point of contact specified in the applicable Exhibit E and, by the Authority tothe Contractor’s General Manager or Operations Manager.
5.1. Disnosal Rates (Exhibit C) - The prices to be paid by the Authority forthe disposal of Solid Waste from all Cumberland Plateau Transfer Stations atthe Disposal Site shall be as shown on Exhibit C.
5.2 _ Modification to Rates - The fees in Exhibit C which may be charged by the Contractor for the first and subsequent years ofthe term under this Contract shall be effective October 27 annually.
5.3 Contractor Billings to Authority ~The Contractor shal bill the Authority for Solid Waste disposal services rendered tothe Authority once a month and willbe issued within ten (10) days following the end ofthe month and the Authority hall pay the Contractor within 60 days of invoice date. Such billing and payment shall be based on the price rates and schedules sot forth in Exhibit C. ‘Number of tons deposited for disposal shall be determined by the Eco-Safe Landfill tickets and stored tare weight at Eco-Safe Scale House of which Contractor agrees to provide verification and inspection by Authority upon Authority request and asthe Authority deems necessary, Payments ‘not made bythe Authority on or before their due date shall be subject to late Fes of: a the greater ‘of five dollars ($5) or one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or portion thereof o.b) the ‘maximum allowed by lav, iess than a)
‘The Contractor shall conduct operations under this Conteact in compliance with al applicable laws; provided, however, that the Contract shall govern the obligations ofthe Contractor where there exist conflicting ordinances of the Authority on the subject.
7.1. Authority shal be responsible for any and all claims for persona injuries or death, or the loss of life oF damage to property to the extent caused by the Authority’s negligence or acts of willful misconduct or those of its contractors or agents. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Authority and its member counties, officers, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all suits, actions. legal proceedings claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and atlomeys’ fees to the extent resulting from a willful or negligent act or omission of the Contractor, its officers, agents, servants and employees in the performance ofthe Contract. In addition, the Contractor on account of damage {o property or personal injury, including death, arising through operations under this Contract, the Contractor agrees to indemnify the Authority and i’s member counties against any expense, liability ‘or payment damage for property or personal injury, including death and injuries to the Contractor’s
\Warte Manageren! Contact with Cumberland Plateau RWMA, Page 5 of
‘employees tothe extent resulting from a willful or negligent act or omission of the Contractor, its officers agent, servants and employees inthe performance of the Contract, including the use bythe Contractor of equipment or facilities furnished by the Authority,
72 Contractor has the right to refuse or reject after acceptance any waste materials load delivered under this Contract that contains Excluded Waste delivered to the Disposal Facility. Contractor shall ‘promptly give notice to the Authority upon the discovery of any Excluded Waste afler delivery of a ‘waste materials load, so that the Authority can arrange forthe transport and disposal of such Excluded Waste in accordance with applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations. Inthe event any Excluded Waste is not discovered by Contractor before iti disposed of in Contractor’s landfill, ‘Contractor may, upon notification and approval ofthe Authority’s Executive Digector, remove, transport and dispose of such Excluded Waste at a location authorized to accept such Excluded Waste in accordance with all applicable laws and charge the depositor or gencrator of such Excluded Waste all direct and indirect costs incurred duc to removal, remediation, handling, transportation, delivery and disposal of such Excluded Waste. The Authority shall provide all reasonable assistance to Contractor to conduct an investigation to determine the identity ofthe depositor or generator ofthe Excluded Waste and to collect the costs incurred by Contractor in conncetion with such Excluded ‘Waste. Subject to the Authority’s providing all such reasonable assistance to Contractor, Contractor shall release Authority fom any liability for any such costs incurred by Contractor in connection with such Excluded Waste, except tothe extent that such Excluded Waste is determined to be attributed 19 the Authority. If Contractor rejects a load that is notin violation of acceptable waste, Contractor will pay additional costs the Authority incurs asa result
‘The Contractor shall obtain al licenses and permits (other than the license and permit granted by this Contract) and promptly pay all taxes required by the State.
Except for Authority’s obligation to pay amounts due 10 Contractor, any failure or delay in performance ‘under this Contract due to contingencies beyond a party’s reasonable control, including, but not limited to, ‘strikes, riots, terrorist acts, compliance with applicable laws or governmental orders, fires, bad weather and acts of God, acts of war, epidemics, pandemics, and the inability to obtain Iabor, materials or equipment ‘due to the foregoing circumstances, shall not constitute a breach of this Contract, but shall entitle the affected pany to be relieved of performance wnder this Contract during the erm of such event and for a reasonable time thereafter.
Neither pany shall assign this Contract in its entirety without the other party’s prior written consent consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor may assign this CConiract without the Authority’ consent to its parent companies or any of their subsidiaries to any person cor entity who purchases any operations from Contractor or as a collateral assignment to any lender 10 Contractor. In the event Contractor slls operations to a person or entity, Conractor shall ensure the same terms and conditions willbe assumed by the purchaser inluding the same or lower total disposal fees.
Title to Solid Waste delivered by the Authority shall pass tothe Contractor when accepted by Contractor’s landfill, Prior thereto, ttle Wo the Solid Waste shall be in, and al risks and responsibilities theretofore shall ‘be bome by the Authority. Tile o and liability for any Excluded Waste shall remain with the generator or depositor of such waste and shall at no time pass to Contractor.
12.1 Inthe event ofa failure by Contractor to perform any material provision ofthis Contract, the ‘Authority shall give written notice of such breach 1 the Contractor along witha least tity (30) days (the “cure period" to correct such breach. Authority may terminate this Contract aftr such cure period if Contractor has not adequately corrected such breach in accordance with this Contract and Authority o notifies Contractor in writing of such termination action. At such time, Authority shall pay Contractor only all charges and fees forthe services performed on or before such termination date. Thereafer, in the event such termination occtrs, Authority, sit sole and exclusive remedy may exercise is rights under Contactors performance bond, and procure the services of another waste services provider to complete the work covered under this Contact forthe remainder of the time period covered by this Contract. Except for such ight, following any such termination and the final payment from the Authority tothe Contractor, neither party shall have any
‘Waste Management Contract with Cumberland Plteau RWMA Page 6 of Il
further obligation under this Contract other than for claims for personal injuries or property damage as expressly provided in this Contract and arising prior to such termination date
- In the event ofa failure by Authority to perform any material provision ofthis Contract, the ‘written notice of such breach to the Authority along with at least thirty (30)
*)to correct such breach. Contractor may terminate this Contract after suck cure period if Authority has not adequately corrected such breach in accordance with this Contract and Contractor so notifies Authority in writing of such termination action. At such time, Authority shall pay Contractor fr all charges and fees forthe services performed on or before such {termination dat. Thereafter, following any such termination and the final payment from the “Authority tothe Contractor, nether party shall have any further obligation under this Contact other than for claims for personal injuries or property damage as expressly provided in these terms and aising prior to such termination dat.
123 Either panty may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other ifthe offending panty: ‘makes an assignment forthe benefit of creditors, or files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, receivership or insolvency, or files an answer in any involuntary proceeding of that nature admitting the material allegations ofthe petition, or if a proceeding in bankruptcy, receivership or insolvency shall be instituted against the offending and such proceeding is not dismissed within sixty (60) days.
124 In the event either party waives default by the other party, such waiver shall not be construed or ‘determined to be a continuing waiver of the same or any subsequent breach or default.
13.1 No intellectual property (IP) rights in any of Contractor’s IP are granted to Authority under this Contract.
13.2 This Contract shall be binding upon and inure solely to the benefit of the parties and their permitted assigns.
133 If any provision of this Contract shall be invalid, legal or unenforceable, it shall be modified so as to be valid, legal and enforceable but so as most nearly to retain the intent ofthe partes. If’such 1odification isnot possible, such provision shall be severed from this Contac. ta either cae, the validity, legality nd enforceability ofthe remaining provisions of this Contract shall notin any way be affected thereby.
13.4 The failure or delay on the part of cither party to exercise any right, power, privilege or remedy under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver thereof. No modification by either party of any provision shall be deemed to have been made unless made in writing, Any waiver by a party for
‘one or more similar events shall not be construed to apply to any other events whether similar or ol.
13.5 This Contract shall be interpreted and governed by the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Jurisdiction and venue for any litigation commenced under this contract shal ie in the Twenty- inth (29) Judicial District of the Commonwealth of Virginia or the United States District Court for the Western District of Virgina for federal coun.
13.6 This Contract sets forth the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes al prior agreements, whether written or oral, that exist between the partes regarding the subject matter of this Contract.
[Remandier of page left innetionlly blank]
[Signatures on first page]
‘Waste Management Contract wth Cuber Plaeau RWMA, ‘Page TF
Workers’ Compensation
ty $1,000,000 each Bodily Injury by Accident $81,000,000 policy limit Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 each occurrence Bodily Injury by Disease
‘Automobite Liability
Bodily Injury/Property Damage ‘$3,000,000
Combined ~ Single Limit ‘Coverage is to apply to all owned, non-owned, hired and
leased vehicles (including trailers)
Pollution Liabilty Endorsement MCS-90 endorsement for pollution liability coverage Commercial General Liability
Bodily Injury/Property Damage. ‘$2,500,000 each occurrence
Combined ~ Single Limit ‘$5,000,000 general aggregate
Al such insurance policies will be primary without the right of contribution from any other insurance coverage ‘maintained by Authority. All policies required hercin shal be writen by insurance carriers with a rating of ‘AM, Bests of atleast “A~” and a financial size category of atleast VII. Upon Authority’s request, Contractor shall furnish Authority with a centificate of insurance, evidencing that such coverages are in effect. Such cerifcae: (i) will also provide for 30 days prior written notice of cancellation tothe Authority; (i sball show Authority as an additional insured under the Automobile and General Liability polices; and, (ii) shall contain ‘waivers of subrogation in favor of Authority excluding Worker’s Compensation policy) except with respect to the sole negligence or willfal misconduct of Authority. In addition, the following requirements apply to the required Commercial General Liability policy
- The Commercial General Liability policy must include Contractual Liability coverage specially covering Contractor’s Indemnification of Authority herein. Coverage must be provided for roducts’Completed Operations. The poicy shal also contain a cross Liabilty/Severbiliy of interests provision assuring that the acts of ‘one insured do not affect the applicability of coverage to another insured.
‘Waste Management Contact with Cumberland Plateau RWMA Page BoE Ll
Disposal Raics (all Transfer Stations) includes annual price increase 4%
Year | (October 27, 2023-October 27, 2024) $27.00 /Ton Year 2 (October 27, 2024-October 27, 2025) $28.08 / Ton Year 3 (October 27, 2025-October 27, 2026) $29.20/ Ton Year 4 (October 27, 2026-October 27, 2027) $30.36 / Ton Year 5 (October 27, 2027-October 27, 2028) $31.57/ Ton
Waste Management Contract with Comber Plateau RWMA Page 9 of
Waste Management
‘To he provided by Contractor.
irae wth Cumberland isteay RWMA, Page 10 1
Toby Edwards, Executive Director ‘Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority
137 Highland Drive P.O. Box 386
Lebanon, Virginia 24266 Phone: (276) 833-5403, Cell (276) 698-3414
Steven Clark, Sr. District Manager
Eco-Safe Systems, LLC d/b/a Waste Management 385 Harr Lane
Blountville, Tennessce 37617
Phone: (615) 477-6223
Justin Rodda, District Manager
Eco-Safe Systems, LLC d/b/a Waste Management 385 Harr Lane
Blountville, Tennessee 37617
Phone: (423)361-8047
Waste Management Contac with Cuberlnd laeau RWMA Page UL oft